Ilana Savdie, The Mouth briefly shut itself 2022
I was in a gallery the other day and the wall text used the word CHIMERICAL. Obviously, I googled this. Apparently it means ‘formed from parts of animals’ OR ‘something that’s hoped for but impossible to achieve’. From the works I saw, I thiiiink they meant the one about being formed from parts of animals but I wish they had just used different words because the entire time I was there I was just walking around slightly angry and very confused. (JUST SAY WHAT YOU MEAN, WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THIS, WOULD YOU USE ACTUALLY THE WORD CHIMERICAL WHEN SPEAKING IN REAL LIFE) (and if your answer is yes to this, fair enough I guess, we probably shouldn’t speak).
ANYWAY, in another room they had work by Ilana Savdie so they redeemed themselves. These are also kind of chimerical (lol, I’ll stop now), in the sense that they seem overly optimistic AND they’re also paintings formed from lots of bits that don’t seem to go together. I like the bright colours and patterns - they’re like a slap in the face, but a nice one - one from a drunk friend. Looking at them was like putting a very weird puzzle together, because all of the forms seem to fit perfectly but when you get really close it’s not clear why. Don’t bother with the wall texts.
I’ve just been wandering around the charity shops in Marylebone because they always have really good stuff. I am so entertained by the rich people around here. I saw a beautiful tanned skinny couple wearing the same outfit, navy linen shirts, white trousers and mustard loafers. They both had impeccable brown hair that looked freshly blow dried, pushed back by sunglasses on their heads. I bet they smelled really good too. I kind of wanted to follow them for a bit just because I’m nosey and I want to know what these people get up to on an average saturday. I didn’t because I’m aware that that is awful and weird and actually possibly illegal ? but also because they’re probably pretty boring.
Congrats you’ve made it to the end! Todah Rabah.
Eleanor x